Cheryl Ann’s Character Movement workshop
Details and Requirements:
participants should arrive early and be physically warm to start class on time
long hair should be pulled back and secured away from the face
clothing should be void of any logos or lettering, preferably solid black, well fitting but unrestrictive, and depending on the classroom - we will be working barefoot
pictures, video, and note taking is both allowed and encouraged, but please silence phones
participants will be led through a series of exercises to connect breath and body and build upon a sense of awareness created by the neutral mask workshop to create a complete physical character
participants will be physically manipulated to explore a full range of physicality and emotion
improvisation skills will be used to understand how each character walks, talks, sits, stands, and interacts with their environment and other characters
all supplies and props will be provided but must be returned
I truly believe you can get anywhere you need to be emotionally through breath and physicality. Whether you are creating a new character or seeking to explore the extremes of a familiar one, this physical character movement workshop will take you to new heights as a performer and safely bring you home. Learn to access a full range of emotions through character centers, explore the effects of weight, space, and time, and take control of your ability to communicate non-verbally.
What does your body language say? Can you change your mood with breath and movement? You don't need to be a performer to benefit from these exercises.